Finding my passion 

As a senior graduating in May 2024, I can confidently say that sophomore year was a turning point in my college career. After switching my major, I found that the courses and content I was learning brought back the passion in me that I lost during my time as a pre-nursing student.

I have always had a passion to help people, but switching my major helped me understand that my passion for helping lies in wanting to help minorities just like me navigate the confusing and complicated world of healthcare. I want to improve minority health outcomes by helping them navigate their insurance, reduce healthcare costs and find the best quality care that they need. 

Besides switching my major, working at the MAC helped me find a place where I felt comfortable learning, growing and building skills that I could use in my future career. Being a tutor, and now a manager, at the MAC was and is still my first official job that I am forever grateful for. I have learned how to effectively communicate, how to teach, how to manage my time and how to deal with conflicts.

The biggest factor that makes the MAC such a great place to have your first job or a job in general, is the team. Everyone at the MAC understands that we are people first, students second and employees third. The MAC welcomes everyone and is a judgment-free zone that is a great place to learn and work at. 

Creating friendships 

Lastly, being part of a student organization on campus helped me find another family away from home. During freshman year, I really struggled with finding a core group of friends that I could relate to, share memories with and grow with. But being part of VSA helped me find what I was looking for. I can confidently say that I have found a good group of friends that I will continue to stay in touch with even after graduation.

Besides finding my second family, I was also able to grow my leadership skills. I went from being treasurer my sophomore year to being president for my junior and senior years. I learned time management, event coordination, fundraising, promotion, etc.

I learned so many skills that I would have never gotten the opportunity to learn if I hadn't been in a leadership position for the past three years of my college career. Being in a leadership position can be extremely hard, but so rewarding in the end. 

Reflecting on my time at IU Indianapolis

Overall, my college experience has been a roller coaster ride, but I will forever be grateful for my freshman year because it gave me the motivation to change the direction of my college experience. Most importantly, it helped me figure out that IU Indianapolis has always been the place I was meant to be in and that I will forever be a Jaguar.

To end, I encourage those of you who may be struggling to find your place to explore other majors/minors that you have been thinking about, apply for an on-campus job and  reach out to student organizations to find out how you can get involved.