Campus Climate & Outcomes Assessment

IU Indianapolis campus climate

The IU Indianapolis Climate Survey is collected every four to five years and is administered in collaboration with the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is designed to better understand the experiences of students, faculty, and staff on campus and employs a broad definition of diversity, focusing on race/ethnicity, gender, ability status, religion, political ideology, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. The results are used by various units on campus, as well as for diversity planning and decision-making.

IRDS campus climate survey dashboards

The IU Indianapolis Data Link provides interactive and visual information on various data items. These highly interactive dashboards allow users to drill down and filter to allow detailed exploration of key indicators associated with the strategic plan. These reports represent the following areas of the IU Indianapolis Strategic Plan: Optimizing Enrollment Management, Student Success and Learning (Academic Excellence), Faculty and Staff, Online Education, Graduate Education, and Inclusive Campus Climate.

Outcomes assessment is the process of providing credible evidence of resources, implementation processes, and outcomes undertaken to improve the effectiveness of instruction, programs, and services in higher education.

(Banta, 2015)

Student graduation rate and retention dashboards

Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRDS) provides regular updates on retention and graduation rates for both undergraduate and graduate students

Degree count dashboard

IRDS provides regular updates on degrees awarded by school.

Beginners and transfer profiles and outcomes

IRDS provides regular updates on beginning and transfer students.

First Destination Survey

In conjunction with the Career Services Council, IRDS collects information from soon-to-be graduates and recent graduates from undergraduate programs about their next steps after graduation—employment or further education.