Request a Presentation

Some topics are hard to grasp. That’s why we’re here to lend a hand.

We don’t like to brag, but we do consider ourselves experts on a variety of topics, including health and wellness, leadership, various university policies, and sexual assault resources and prevention.

We’ll bring the information to you, your student organization, or your class. Our presentations, some of which can be customized to fit your needs, are offered for free throughout the school year.

Please request presentations at least three weeks in advance so that we can be sure we meet your needs.

Civil Discourse (30 minutes)

  • Civil discourse is a form of dialogue that acknowledges and gives voice to one another’s ideas, experiences, and beliefs. Civil discourse is a key component of political engagement. This presentation will walk participants through how to have respectful and engaging conversations around the current political climate. This means working together to foster a climate of acceptance, mutual respect, academic freedom, and civil discourse.

Experience IU Indianapolis (25–30 minutes)

  • There’s so much to do at IU Indianapolis, but how do you get started? This presentation helps you understand what involvement at IU Indianapolis looks like and why it’s so important to your academic, professional, and personal success. We’ll teach you about our greatest campus traditions and how to use The Spot. And you’ll still have time for a Q&A session.

How to Vote (30–45 minutes)

  • Learn about the processes that are encompassed in voting. This presentation covers topics such as: researching issues and candidates, voter registration deadlines, voting in-person and mailing in your ballot.

How to Make Your Voice Heard (30–45 minutes)

  • It is important to understand how your vote can play a role in our government. This presentation breaks down and provides a basic understanding of the different branches of federal and local government. Participants will learn about each person’s responsibilities and how to make informed decisions when voting. Your voice matters!

Alcohol Awareness (50–75 minutes)

  • Think alcohol runs rampant on college campuses? Everyone drinks, right? Think again. As part of this presentation, you’ll learn about alcohol use at IU Indianapolis and in the larger society. You’ll come away understanding the presence of drinking on campus as well as the reasons people do and do not choose to drink. And if you’ve ever wondered what about blood alcohol content (BAC) and what exactly is considered a standard drink, we’ll answer those questions, too. 

Healthy Eating and Nutrition (50–75 minutes)

  • Take a bite out of your college experience! This interactive presentation provides you with helpful tips and tricks on how to navigate both on- and off-campus dining. You’ll also learn how to identify nutritious snacks and navigate the grocery store, and learn how healthy eating looks different for each person.

Sexual Health (50–75 minutes)

  • Let’s talk about sex! This interactive presentation provides you with a greater understanding of sexual pleasure, safer sex practices, and contraception methods. An overview of sexual health preventative care, including STI testing locations, and resources at IU Indianapolis is also included.

How to Support a Friend (60 min) 

  • This presentation will help participants gain a better understanding of what it looks like to support a friend, classmate, or peer as they are going through a potential mental health challenge and/or have been impacted by some type of harm (sexual assault, dating violence, etc.). As a participant, you’ll learn how to respond knowledgeably to individuals in a supportive way and to refer them to appropriate resources for additional help.

Mindfulness (60–90 minutes)

  • Mindfulness practice is a proven method to manage stress, improve concentration, and practice compassion. In this presentation, you’ll develop a basic understanding of mindfulness. Brief experiential practices will help you to deepen that understanding and put you on the path to improved self-care.

QPR© Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training (60–90 minutes)

  • QPR—Question, Persuade, and Refer—is three simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. When you train in QPR, you’ll learn how to recognize the warning signs of suicide so you can ask the question, persuade someone to live, and refer them to get professional help.

Recognizing and Responding to Mental Health Concerns (60–90 minutes) 

  • Understanding mental health and its importance is increasing, but we still have far to go. As we work to reduce the stigma around mental health concerns, we offer this presentation to help you identify their common symptoms. You’ll also learn how to respond knowledgeably to individuals in a supportive way and to refer them to appropriate resources for additional help.

Stress and Time Management (50–75 minutes)

  • College brings new and heightened stressors. Let’s bust some stress away! This interactive presentation provides you an overview about what stress is, how it effects the body, and ways of coping. You will also learn about time management tools like The Eisenhower Matrix and how those tools can help you prioritize tasks.

Working with Individuals in Distress (90–120 minutes) 

  • Distress can take many forms, so you’ll learn how to identify common signs of individuals in need of help. We’ll also teach you strategies for offering support and de-escalation techniques. And because you can’t be expected to solve every problem, you’ll learn how to connect the person with appropriate resources.

The S Word (90–120 minutes)

  • The S Word sheds light on suicide, the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and second leading cause of death for individuals ages 15-24. The film documents the stories of suicide survivors and highlights their unguarded courage, insight, and humor. The provided screening is followed by a discussion facilitated by CAPS staff. Consultation with the Assistant Director of Outreach and Community Services Yves Ambroise is required prior to scheduling a screening. Given the content, this presentation is only available to pre-existing groups (e.g., departmental units, student peer mentors/advisors/leaders, student organizations or clubs) that meet regularly to allow for debriefing or follow-ups.

Mental Health and Resiliency (50–75 minutes)

  • Life’s tough, and so are you. This session provides you an overview of common mental health concerns for college students, increases your awareness of your ability to handle stress and challenges, and helps you identify skills to build your resilience.

Jagculture (60–90 min) 

  • Every person deserves to feel safe and valued at IU Indianapolis. In order to create a safe, welcoming, empathetic, and compassionate campus, we all need to understand the importance of; community, acceptance, consent, recognizing mental health impacts, and the role that we can all play in promoting a culture of change. Get involved now and join Jagculture!

Bystander Intervention 101 (60 min) 

  • This presentation introduces participants to the foundations of bystander intervention. A prelude to our Green Dot Bystander Intervention training, in this workshop participants will increase their ability to identify potentially dangerous/unhealthy situations and determine the appropriate intervention strategy to de-escalate the situation. This presentation will also explore barriers to intervention—both personal and systemic—and will provide scenarios for participants to practice their intervention strategies.

Consent 101 (60 min) 

  • This presentation introduces participants to the foundations of consent. In this workshop, participants will increase their knowledge on the definition of consent along with how our IU policy defines consent. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice communicating verbal and non-verbal ques of consent and dissent. This presentation will briefly explore elements of identities, intersectionality, and power and how those impact our conversations around consent.

Culture of Violence (60–75 min) 

  • This workshop will engage audience members in an activity and discussion that compels participants to consider what in our culture, surroundings, and language allow for violence and how we can move towards promoting social norms that can help to create safe communities. 

Exploring Masculinity (60 min) 

  • This workshop focuses on defining toxic and healthy masculinity and exploring where both show up in our culture. Participants will engage in a series of activities and discussions that will encourage them to think about root causes of violence and masculinity. This program will also offer participants a chance to think about and discuss what culture change could look through a masculinity lens. 

Stalking: Know It. Name It. Stop It. (75–90 min) 

  • This brief workshop will, with the aid of media clips, help students to recognize stalking and its impacts, develop plans for safety, and provide support if someone they know is experiencing stalking. 

Online Dating Safety (60–75 min) 

  • This interactive presentation is designed to help students increase self-awareness around online dating, gain skills to communicate expectations and establish personal boundaries, identify red flags, and develop a safety plan for online dating interactions. This program offers space to discuss the evolution of communicating online through text, calls, social media, etc. and what this means for developing healthy relationships. 

Responding to a Report of Sexual Misconduct (60–75 min) 

  • Participants will gain clarity about the roles of confidential employees versus responsible employees and their differing reporting obligations under the UA-03 Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy. Participants will also learn and practice skills in responding when someone discloses experiencing sexual misconduct, offering support, and connecting them to campus and community resources. This presentation is ideal for student leaders, student mentors, faculty, and staff.

Our Seven Elements of Wellness (50–75 minutes)

  • Find a balance in all of your areas of wellness. In this interactive program, you will explore the seven elements of wellness (community and connection, whole body, growth and development, financial, mental and emotional, environment, and balance), which were developed by IU Indianapolis students, faculty, and staff. You will also learn tips to incorporate wellness in your life as a college student, and learn about campus health and wellness resources.

Healthy Relationships (60 minutes)

  • Even couples who are “relationships goals” work hard to keep their relationship healthy. In this presentation, you will build your relationships goals, discuss interpersonal skills for how to maintain healthy relationships with your family, friends, partners, and peers; identify unhealthy behaviors in intimate relationships; and learn about related resources.

Know the Code Overview (50 minutes)

  • You read the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct when you enrolled at IU Indianapolis. Now with this presentation, we’ll help you understand those rights and responsibilities. You’ll also learn to assess the choices you make every day and identify the consequences of your decisions, particularly those related to academic or personal misconduct, before you act. As a result of the Know the Code presentation, you’ll be able to recognize and act as a civil member of the IU Indianapolis community.

Know the Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct Policy (45–60 minutes)

  • This presentation will help you understand how the university strives to keep our community free of harassment and discrimination through upholding the IU Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct Policy UA-03. You’ll learn what the policy covers, where to seek resources and support, how to report incidents, and how the university will respond. For faculty and staff, the presentation will also cover your obligations to report information shared with you.

Know Your Student Wellness Benefits (15–20 minutes)

  • Get a crash course in all things health and wellness related at IU Indianapolis! This interactive presentation connects you with the Student Wellness Directory and gives an overview of all the resources available to IU Indianapolis students, many of them free. You will also learn how to get involved in wellness programs and events so you can be JagWELL.  

Naloxone Training (50–60 minutes)

  • You may have recently heard about the opioid crisis that Indiana is facing. You may be thinking, 'What can I do?' IU Indianapolis offers free bystander training to administer Naloxone, also known as Narcan. Naloxone is a rapid response drug used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. During this training, you will learn how to identify potential overdose symptoms, administer naloxone, and understand other bystander responsibilities. Afterward, you will be provided with a free naloxone kit.

Office of Student Conduct Related Topic (45–90 minutes)

  • If you have ever wanted to learn more about what Student Conduct staff do, the difference between personal and organization misconduct, the conduct process, hosting a training, a Q&A session between your group and student conduct staff, or a different conduct-related topic, we can work with you to meet your group’s educational goal. Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, a student organization, or faculty or staff, you can submit this request and an OSC staff member will reach out to you to plan for your conduct-specific program.