Volunteer at Paws' Pantry

Help build a stronger community, volunteer with Paws’ Pantry

Founded in 2013, the food pantry is dedicated to helping relieve food insecurity at IU Indianapolis. Since its founding, the pantry has distributed thousands of items to thousands of students, faculty, and staff.

With being a campus-wide operation, we can always use your help to keep it going.

As a volunteer, you can work the check-in and check-out table during operating hours, collect donations from the orange Paws' Pantry food crates and around campus, stock the food shelves, assist shoppers, and more.

Don’t worry—you’ll get everything you need during your first volunteer shift.

Email us to express interest in volunteering.

Paws’ Pantry

1 in 5IU Indianapolis freshmen are below the poverty line and considered food insecure

150+IU Indianapolis community members use the pantry each week

16,000+pantry items have been distributed to the Jaguar community

Bring us your donations

You can drop food donations off in any of the orange crates located around campus or bring them to the pantry during normal operating hours. Our pantry includes refrigerator and freezer space, so we’re happy to accept fresh food and produce. Please do not leave fresh food and produce in orange bins.

Questions can be sent to jagsfood@iu.edu.

Make a financial gift

Help Paws' Pantry from wherever you are by making a financial gift. We’ll use 100 percent of your donation to support operations for the pantry.

Give to the pantry