Assessment & Planning

Using data to inform student success

The assessment and planning team works each day to ensure the Division of Student Affairs is collecting and using data to better serve and support students at IU Indianapolis. Through surveys, focus groups, strategic planning, and analysis, we ensure the division can understand student learning and development and put in place best practices for student success.

What we do

The mission of the assessment and planning team is to support the Division of Students Affairs in making informed and data-driven decisions by:

  • Assessing and evaluating cocurricular programs and services using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
  • Measuring student learning, satisfaction, attitudes, and behaviors.
  • Building assessment and strategic planning capacity within the division.
  • Providing consultation on assessment, program evaluation, survey research methods, Excel pivot tables, and statistical analyses using SPSS.
  • Disseminating data and reports to internal and external stakeholders.

2024-29 Student Affairs strategic plan

We are launching the next iteration of our strategic plan, informed by the recommendations from our last program review. Our plan focuses on three strategic priorities:  Assessment, Planning, and Programming; Staff Development and Support; and Communication. You can review goals, action items, and metrics for each priority and look forward to progress reports at least twice per year.

Assessment, Planning, and Programming

Staff Development and Support


Student Affairs Strategic Plan Working Group

The following staff in our division have spent the last year building out our new strategic plan.

Assessment, Planning, and Programming

  • Emily Braught, director of assessment and planning (co-chair)
  • Alice Dahlka, residence life specialist of academic initiatives (co-chair)
  • Ryan Anderson, assistant director of health and wellness
  • Kayla Bethel, intake assessment specialist
  • Candace Guillory, group program coordinator
  • Harrianna Thompson, assistant director of residence life, student success
  • Linda Wardhammar, student employment program manager

Staff Development and Support

  • Hanna Brown, assistant program director of student organizations (co-chair)
  • Joe Hayes, director of the Campus Center (co-chair)
  • Tristan Coghill, assistant director, facility operations specialist
  • Ashley Eppich, assistant director of clinical services
  • Sydney Lease, associate director of residence life
  • Viviane Linos, assistant director of interpersonal violence prevention
  • Jennifer Watson, administrative assistant


  • Mary Knarr, director of marketing and communication (co-chair)
  • Stu Macki, assistant director of residential services (co-chair)
  • Bernard Caillouet, associate director of student conduct
  • Maria Sanchez Castro, Campus Center services specialist
  • Maddie Folta, prevention education specialist
  • Allison Wheeler, associate director of strategic initiatives