Indianapolis, IN 46202

Indianapolis, IN 46202
B.S., Mechanical Engineering Technology, IU Indianapolis
A.S., Electrical Engineering Technology, IU Indianapolis
Tech Certificate, Heating Air-Conditioning and Ventilation, Ivy Tech
Dan Waggoner joined Housing and Residence Life in February 2016 as associate director for facilities and building operations. Waggoner provides oversight for the maintenance and upkeep for all the residential communities by leading the maintenance and housekeeping staff. He serves in the facilities on-call rotation for facility-related emergencies. Besides maintaining positive relationships with internal and external customers, he is responsible for developing and managing projects as they relate to the capital plan to assure facilities are maintained for the future.
Prior to joining the Housing and Residence Life team, Waggoner worked in various roles for Campus Facility Services for 14 years. Since coming to IU Indianapolis, he has worked as an HVAC/controls technician/facilities coordinator for the School of Medicine, zone maintenance manager, and HVAC operations manager, maintaining the buildings and all of their associated equipment to provide for a comfortable climate in which to work and learn.