Addiction Recovery Support Meetings

Virtual support meetings open to college students statewide

All Indiana college students are invited to participate in our statewide recovery group online. Virtually connect with other students across the state as they thrive in their recovery and college experience.

These student-led meetings invite participants to share their challenges and successes with each other in a supportive, private environment. Contact for more information.

Meetings are held on Tuesdays from 12 noon to 1 p.m. EST.

Join now

On-campus recovery support meetings

Health and Wellness Promotion and the Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) host weekly addiction recovery support meetings in-person for IU Indianapolis students.

These meetings are peer-led and are not affiliated with any particular 12-step or clinical groups. Meetings respect anonymity, and no identification is required to attend.

Our meetings focus on sharing successes, challenges, support, and understanding.

Meetings are held on Mondays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Campus Center 370.

Contact for more information.

How to get started

During the academic year, weekly meeting times are posted in the events calendar. Meeting times are selected based on student availability, so the best way to get involved is to email to be included on the GroupMe messaging app. Meeting times are also posted on Twitter @RecoveryIUPUI and in the email newsletter.