Advertising Policies

Collection Container Policy

  • All donation collection containers in the Campus Center must be set up on the first floor near the Information Desk in a specific location pre-approved by the Campus Center. No more than three (3) collection containers will be set up at any given time. Only registered IU Indianapolis student organizations and departments/schools can reserve space for collection boxes. There is no opportunity for non-university organizations to seek sponsorship to host this type of activity in the Campus Center.
  • A collection container can be placed in the Campus Center for fourteen (14) consecutive business days.
  • All organizations are responsible for supplying their own collection container. All containers must be made of a solid and sturdy material that will not break down.
  • All collection containers must clearly and publicly display the following information:
    • Name of the IU Indianapolis organization sponsoring the donation drive
    • Name of the organization/agency to receive the donated items
    • Collection’s start and end dates
    • A listing of all acceptable items
  • The Campus Center cannot be held responsible for the security of any collection containers, nor any of the items that are collected during the donation drive.
  • The sponsoring organization is responsible for picking up the collection container and all collected items no later than 5 p.m. on the last day of donation drive.
  • No cash or checks may be dropped off in any collection container. Employees at the Information Desk and Campus Center administrative staff will not accept cash or check donations on behalf of any organization with a donation collection container.
  • Any organization that provides false information about the purpose of the collection drive and/or the intended recipients will jeopardize the privilege of hosting any future events in the Campus Center. The Dean of Students office (student organizations) and Human Resources Administration (departments/schools) will be also be contacted for additional investigation and further judicial action.