Campus Center Building Manual

Campus Center Facility Policy Overview

Highlighted below you can find commonly referenced policies for our Campus Center. To access the complete building manual, please contact Campus Center and Student Experiences at or 371-278-8511. We look forward to hosting you soon.

Access and Use Policy

The purpose of the IU Indianapolis Campus Center is primarily to serve the needs of IU Indianapolis students, faculty and staff, and secondarily to serve the needs of visitors and guests, including patients and staff from the adjacent IU Health facilities. IU Indianapolis reserves the right to request that users produce a valid form of identification in areas that are reserved for students, faculty and staff.

All users are advised that the use of space and seating, including the use of meeting rooms, galleries, game rooms, lounges, cafes, restrooms, tables, chairs, sofas, computers, printers and the like, within the IU Indianapolis Campus Center facility, shall be confined to the purpose(s) for which the space and property are designed and equipped for which they are suitable. In an effort to ensure a pleasant, productive and reasonable environment for all, users shall observe the following rules, including but not limited to:

  1. Users are prohibited from engaging in disruptive behavior or other behavior and activities that substantially interfere with the enjoyment of other users of the facility.
  2. Camping and excessive sleeping in the IU Indianapolis Campus Center are prohibited. For purposes of this policy, “camping” includes sleeping for an extended period of time (not including incidental napping), lying down and sleeping on a couch, bench, floor or other surface, with or without one’s belongings; excessive use of seating or space that interferes with priority usage for students, faculty or staff; using the bathrooms for bathing, showering or for more than casual grooming; use of bedrolls, blankets and other such covering; storing personal belongings; carrying on cooking activities; and other similar behavior that amounts to using the seating or space as a temporary shelter or living quarters. Whether a given use constitutes “camping” will be determined based on the facts and circumstances of specific situations.
  3. Users are prohibited from entry into unauthorized areas of the Campus Center.
  4. Users other than students, faculty and staff with prior permission are prohibited from remaining in the Campus Center after closing or when requested to leave (emergency situations and drills included).
  5. Users shall comply with all campus policies and procedures, including without limitation policies prohibiting weapons and animals (except for service and therapy animals that have been approved in accordance with applicable university policies).
  6. Unattended property will be subject to confiscation.

Individuals who violate this policy will be asked to promptly comply or leave the premises. Failure to comply with a request to leave the IU Indianapolis Campus Center and/or university property may subject such individuals to arrest and criminal prosecution under provisions of applicable state, county and city laws. In the case of students, faculty and staff who violate this policy, IU Indianapolis reserves the right to pursue disciplinary action in accordance with applicable rules, including without limitation the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct, employment policies and the Academic Handbook.

Prohibited in the Campus Center

Animals: In accordance with the university policy on Animals on University Property, only actively restrained and attended service animals, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, are allowed in the Campus Center, where the public is generally allowed to go.

Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, longboards, skates and other personal conveyance vehicles: In accordance with the university policy on Bicycles and Other Personal Conveyance Vehicles, bicycles, motorized scooters, skateboards, longboards, in-line skates, roller blades, shoe skates and other personal conveyance vehicles may not be operated inside the building. The parking and use of these personal conveyance vehicles inside the Campus Center is prohibited.

  • This policy does not apply to wheelchairs or other personal mobility devices as defined by the ADA. However, personal mobility devices should be operated in a safe manner at all times.
  • This policy does not apply to IU Indianapolis staff with private offices in the Campus Center, who may park their bikes inside their assigned private office space.

Minors (unattended): Minors (individuals under the age of 18) are not permitted to use the facility unless they are accompanied by a supervising adult, are currently enrolled at IU Indianapolis or are actively attending a specific event held in the Campus Center.

Weapons: In accordance with the university policy on Possession of Firearms and Weapons, unauthorized firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives and other items that IU Police consider to be dangerous are prohibited on university property. This policy includes activities such as introducing, possessing, using, buying or selling firearms. Even if you have a valid state permit to carry the firearm, you are not authorized to carry the firearm on university property. Only law enforcement officers and others who have prior approval from the IU Police Chief are authorized to carry a firearm on campus.

Smoking/tobacco: The Campus Center follows the IU Indianapolis Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. This policy encompasses e-cigarettes and vaping.

Solicitation/Distribution of literature and surveys: In accordance with the university policy on Non-Solicitation on Campus, soliciting, distributing literature or surveying in the Campus Center, except in conjunction with an information table or meeting taking place in the Campus Center, is prohibited. Individuals or organizations engaged in such activities will be asked to leave the premises and may forfeit marketing-related privileges within the Campus Center.

Demonstrations and Protests

  • The Campus Center operates in accordance with the policies and procedures of the IU Police Department and Office of Emergency Management and Continuity.
  • Amplified sound will only be permitted in situations specially approved in advance by CCSE staff.
  • No demonstration/protest may disrupt any scheduled event or the operations of any department or service provided in the Campus Center.
  • Individuals may not block or obstruct any entry or exit door to the building, any office and/or meeting room or any hallway or other common passageway.
  • Signs may not be supported by or have attached any handles, knobs, sticks, etc.
  • Individuals will be given one (1) warning if they are found in violation of this policy, with no more than 10 minutes for corrective action to take place. If individuals are unable or unwilling to follow this policy, the CCSE staff will call the IU Police for assistance.

Political Rallies and Activities

The Campus Center may not be utilized by any student organization, university school or department or community group for the financial benefit or for the appearance of institutional support or opposition of any political candidate or party. No campaign fundraising may occur on campus.

Political activities held in the Campus Center must abide by all related university policies.

Distribution of Literature and Surveys

Distributing literature or surveying in the Campus Center without a meeting room or information table reservation is prohibited. Individuals engaged in such activities will be asked to leave the premises.

Filming and Photo Shoots

Only IU Indianapolis students, faculty, and staff may film or conduct photo shoots in the Campus Center without special permission from Campus Center and Student Experiences staff. All others interested in filming within the Campus Center must receive prior approval from IU Studios.

Meditation and Reflection Space

This space, located in Campus Center room 213, is meant to support all students and the holistic wellness of the university community. All religious faiths and non-religious beliefs can experience a place for peace, prayer, meditation, and/or reflection. Scientific evidence demonstrates significant cognitive and physiological benefits to meditation. The space is intended for individual use and not for any organized group activity or meetings.  

Space Guidelines 

Please follow these guidelines when using the meditation and reflection space. These guidelines are also posted outside and within room 340. 

  • Cellular phones must be placed on silent upon entry.
  • No food or beverages (with the exception of water) are allowed in the room.
  • Music is to be listened to through headphones or earbuds. Please refrain from listening to music on loud volumes when using the space. 
  • The use of fire, including lit candles or incense, is not permitted in the room or building.
  • Symbols of faith must be removed or stored in the closet after individual usage.
  • Please keep the room clean. Please remove all personal materials from the space after use. Mats/carpets need to be returned to the allotted closet. Furniture must remain in the room and restored to the original position. Please do not remove items from the room.
  • Leaving personal items in the closet is at your own risk. University Student Government and the Campus Center will not be held responsible for items lost or stolen.
  • Mutual respect of others is expected at all times.
  • This space is not intended to be used as a lounge, study room, meeting room, or for other purposes.

Respect for Others 

All users are expected to exercise mutual respect for the integrity of each other’s beliefs, cultures, and traditions. This means that users should respect other peoples’ freedom within the law to express their beliefs, traditions, and dress for worship and prayer.

Lost and Found

The Information Desk on Level 1 serves as the main lost-and-found station in the Campus Center. Lost items will be kept at the Information Desk until the last day of the month in which they are turned in. Highly valuable items such as purses, wallets, cell phones and credit cards are turned over to IU Police daily.

Campus Center and Student Experiences staff will not be held responsible for any materials, equipment or personal items left in the building. If you believe your property has been stolen, contact the IU Police immediately by calling 317-274-7911.


  • If you have any concerns regarding the use of this space, please contact Dr. Joe Hayes, assistant dean of students, at hayesjom@IU or 317-278-8511.
  • If you feel that you are being discriminated or retaliated against based on your faith or non-faith tradition, you can report a discrimination, harassment, or retaliation complaint.
  • If you feel that your safety is being threatened, contact IUPD at 317-274-2058 or 911.