Application deadline: Friday, Dec. 13 at 5 p.m.
2025-26 RA application overview

Resident Assistant application process
By completing an application, you are expressing interest in one of the most important student leadership positions available at IU Indianapolis. Resident Assistants are community leaders, peer educators, friends, advocates, and team players.
Employment period and expectations
- Residence life positions are contracted for one full academic year (consecutive fall and spring semesters). The contract period includes all pre-service and in-service training.
- All staff are required to be in-residence and to participate fully in all training and operational activities which begin prior to residence halls opening.
- RA staff are expected to stay a few days after finals conclude in the fall and a few days after Commencement in the spring.
Application module
To be fully considered, you must complete an asynchronous online module. Once you complete the online application, you will be added to this module. It takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete and must be done by Friday, Dec. 20 to be considered for the position. If you have difficulties accessing the module, please email us at
Eligibility and timeline
- Be enrolled as a full-time Indiana University Indianapolis undergraduate student at the sophomore, junior, or senior level during the 2025–26 employment period.
- Hold a cumulative GPA and semester GPA of 2.5 (based on IU hours) at the time of application. Staff members must maintain a GPA of 2.5 cumulative and 2.25 semester through their employment period. GPA from transfer credits will not be considered.
- Complete at least one semester (fall or spring) as an enrolled student at IU Indianapolis before starting the position.
- Be in good academic, disciplinary, and employment standing with the university.
- Complete the Information Session through Canvas after their application, no later than December 20, 2024.
- If hired, successfully complete the six-week RA class, a two-hour/week class from mid-March to the end of April to prepare incoming staff members.
- Be able to successfully complete a background check conducted by IU Human Resources.
- Return to campus three weeks prior to the start of the academic year to participate in RA training.
- Friday, Nov. 1, 2024: The 2025–26 RA application opens!
- Friday, Dec. 13, 2024: All applications must be turned in via the online application linked above. Candidates will receive a confirmation email to their IU email account after submitting their application.
- Friday, Dec. 20, 2024: Candidates must have their online information module completed by this date to be eligible to interview. Candidates are added to the module after applying for the position.
- Early January 2025: Candidates are notified of their status in the process via email after fall 2024 grades have been finalized and a good standing check is completed.
- Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025: Eligible candidates will participate in a group interview.
- Thursday, Jan. 30 and Friday, Jan. 31, 2025: Eligible candidates will participate in an individual interview. Candidates will sign up for their one-hour slot. All applicants will receive an email detailing whether they have been invited to an individual interview.
- Wednesday, March 5, 2025: Offers for positions will be sent. All candidates will be notified of their standing in the process on this day.
- Week of March 24, 2025: Six-week RA/SJRA class begins. All newly hired RAs and SJRAs must successfully complete the class to continue.
Frequently asked questions
Each of our positions require 17-20 hours of work per week. Time commitments each week vary based on duty shifts, time of the year (move-in, etc.), or other times.
Based on our anticipated occupancy for the 2025–26 academic year, we will have 50 RA positions, 4 SJRA positions, and 6 FA positions available. These numbers include both new and returning staff members. Our current staff do not apply to continue their employment until late January.
RAs, SJRAs, and FAs can work up to 10 hours a week at another on-campus job. Staff members can continue with their other extra-curricular activities as long as they are able to balance their commitments.
Staff members must be available to attend training three weeks before the start of classes. All training must be attended, which means not taking Summer Session II classes that interfere with the business day.
Offers will only be made based on the communities listed on your application for RA positions. We will re-confirm your community interests during individual interviews.
Compensation includes a room/apartment in the community the staff member is employed, a $4,000 stipend distributed in bi-weekly pay periods, and a limited meal plan for RAs and SJRAs to extend their community building to dining with residents.
Our positions are offered for an academic year term. Once employed as an RA, SJRA, or FA, students are eligible to re-apply for their position for another academic year. Employment offers for additional terms are based on performance in the role and capacity to continue in their role.

Resident Assistant position overview
RAs provide leadership in a residential community on the IU Indianapolis campus. The RA is responsible for building community among residents, supporting diversity and inclusion, enforcing policies, providing after-hour services, and maintaining an atmosphere conducive for academic and personal success.
Each RA reports to a Residence Life coordinator who provides guidance and feedback in meeting job expectations and support for developing your skills and abilities that will lead to future professional and personal success.
RA roles and responsibilities
Skills you build:
- Relationship building
- Community building skills
- Interacting with difference
What you do:
- Get to know residents, build rapport with them, and connect residents with each other.
- Maintain an environment that supports academic and personal success, including role modeling positive behaviors.
- Be available and accessible to residents during community hours.
- Create a safe and welcoming environment for all residents.
- Know the various resources on campus and help students locate the appropriate service when needed.
- Support Hall Council and Residence Hall Association events, initiatives, and outreach.
Skills you build:
- Helping skills
- Critical thinking
- Designing and executing plans
What you do:
- Work with your supervisor to assess community needs and develop appropriate initiatives.
- Plan and implement events for residents that align with Residence Life educational outcomes.
- Engage in conversations with residents that align with Residence Life educational outcomes.
- Participate in campus wide and departmental events like Weeks of Welcome and Tunnel of Oppression.
- If in an RBLC (Residential Based Learning Community), meet regularly with liaison.
Skills you build:
- Conflict mediation
- Problem solving
- Crisis response
What you do:
- Serve in an on-call rotation for the community.
- Follow protocols to respond to crisis or emergency situations.
- Consistently address policy violations.
- Follow protocols to report situations related to student safety and/or building safety to supervisor.
- Write thorough and professional reports of incidents.
- Provide on-call coverage as needed during break periods.
Skills you build:
- Time management
- Resiliency
- Prioritizing
What you do:
- Recognize the position as a primary out-of-class obligation, including being available on evenings and weekends.
- Attend weekly staff meetings, meetings with supervisor, and fully participate in all training sessions.
- Complete administrative functions, such as submitting maintenance requests, completing timesheets, preparing weekly reports, and documenting/recording interactions with residents.
- Serve as a liaison between residents and Housing staff or campus administrators.
- Positively represent Housing and Residence Life at all times.

Social Justice Resident Assistant position overview
SJRAs are social justice equity and inclusion-focused RAs who work within Housing and Residence Life (HRL). SJRAs engage with multicultural content, understand diverse perspectives, facilitate discussions around current events and equity, and create and implement initiatives for inclusion and equity in the residential communities.
There will be an SJRA in each of our residential communities and they report to the Residence Life specialist for Equity Initiatives.
SJRA roles and responsibilities
Skills you build:
- Engaging in scholarly research
- Awareness of social identities and their impacts
What you do:
- Take an interest in the happenings of residential and identity-based communities both on and off campus.
- Engage in peer-reviewed research materials through understanding, articulating, and applying the concepts learned.
- Actively engage and participate in provided professional development opportunities from HRL.
Skills you build:
- Relationship building
- Developing engaging materials and displays
What you do
- Address concerns around bias when witnessed in the residence halls.
- Create educational materials.
- Maintain presence in residential communities to offer support to students and challenge community practices.
- Regularly display passive information in residence halls offering information and perspectives residents can learn from.
- Actively engage in dialogue with residential students on the topic of inclusive community practices.
Skills you build:
- Collaboration
- Effective communication with varying groups
What you do:
- Advocate for students and staff in the residence halls inclusive of their many social identities.
- Collaborate with RAs, student organizations, and university departments on program initiatives around relevant topics.
- Gather the needs of individual communities and use that information to develop initiatives to address gaps in knowledge.
- Develop positive relationships with Housing and Residence Life staff, community members, and campus partners.
Skills you build:
- Developing intentional and engaging initiatives
- Resource sharing
What you do:
- Develop interactive and innovative initiatives in the residence halls and for the campus community around relevant topics that encourage interpersonal and group interactions among residents.
- Serve as a resource and consultant for RAs in initiative development and interpersonal or community-based conflicts involving social identity issues.
- Work within a Residential Curriculum to develop initiatives to address co-curricular educational needs proactively.

Facilities Assistant position overview
FAs are the newest live-in student staff position in Housing and Residence Life. FAs are critical in maintaining our communities, and do so through an emergency response rotation and checking their assigned communities.
FA roles and responsibilities
Skills you build:
- Helping skills
- Critical thinking
- Crisis response
What you do:
Participate in an on-call rotation to respond to critical facility emergencies and cleaning needs.
Assist with minor work orders, such as light bulb replacement, card reader batteries, bathrooms, and more.
- Serve in an on-call rotation during break periods to support students in the halls.
Skills you build:
- Analyzing information
- Problem solving
- Tracking and inventory
What you do:
- Complete building inspections for their assigned community each week. Including hallways, bathrooms, and community areas.
- Check vacant rooms each week to ensure their preparation for new arrivals.
- Assist with inventory projects in their community.
- Assist with maintaining lounge and community spaces by rearranging furniture and documenting any issues.
- Address issues with cleaning or the facility as they're noted during checks.
Skills you build:
- Time management
- Resiliency
- Prioritizing
What you do:
- Recognize the position as primary out-of-class obligation, including being available on evenings and weekends.
- Attend any staff meetings, meetings with supervisor, and fully participate in all training sessions.
- Complete administrative functions, such as submitting maintenance requests, completing timesheets, preparing weekly reports, and documenting checklists for community rounds.
- Positively represent Housing and Residence Life at all times.