Yamana Uno, serves on the Chancellor’s Student Mental Health Council
Q: Why did you originally join CSMHC?
A: I wanted to be more involved on campus and continue to contribute to the destigmatization of discussion of mental health. I was a part of Bring Change to Mind in high school and wanted to continue to be involved in a mental health initiative.
Q: What have been your biggest takeaways from serving on CSMHC?
A: My two biggest takeaways from this experience would be that 1) collaboration to address mental health issues is important because there is a need for diverse perspectives for meaningful change and 2) while implementation can take time, persistently advocating for actionable steps to prioritize student mental health is still a necessity.
Q: Why should students apply to join CSMHC?
A: It’s a unique opportunity to make an impact on campus by advocating for student needs, mental health and ensuring our voices as students are heard. You can make a lasting impact to improve our campus community for current and future students. It also allows you to collaborate with peers and administrators while developing leadership and communication skills.
Passionate about mental health? Apply to become a member of the Chancellor’s Student Mental Health Council by Friday, Jan. 24. Learn more about this position and submit your application.